Project configuration

You have two options for configuring your project: using the user interface settings form or providing a scancode-config.yml configuration file as part of your project inputs.

User Interface

To configure your project using the user interface, refer to the instructions in the Project Settings section.

Configuration file

You can also store your project settings in a scancode-config.yml configuration file. That file will have to be uploaded as one of the Project inputs:

  • In the User Interface: Using the “Inputs” section of the “Create a Project” form or using the “Add inputs” button on an existing project view.

  • In the Command Line Interface: you can provide a scancode-config.yml configuration file as part of the project inputs with the --input-file option.

  • In the REST API: Using the upload_file or input_urls fields.


The following configuration example displays all the project settings currently available. It is not necessary to include the ones for which you do not need to provide a value.

Content of a scancode-config.yml file:

product_name: My Product Name
product_version: '1.0'
extract_recursively: yes
  - '*.tmp'
  - tests/*

See the Settings section for the details about each setting.


You can generate the project configuration file from the Project Settings UI.



The product name of this project, as specified within the DejaCode application.


The product version of this project, as specified within the DejaCode application.


Extract nested archives-in-archives recursively. This is enabled by default on new projects.

You can turn off this behavior in favor of a shallow extraction using extract_recursively: no in your configuration file.


Provide one or more path patterns to be ignored, one per line.

Each pattern should follow the syntax of Unix shell-style wildcards:
  • Use * to match multiple characters.

  • Use ? to match a single character.

Here are some examples:
  • To ignore all files with a “.tmp” extension, use: *.tmp

  • To ignore all files in a “tests” directory, use: tests/*

  • To ignore specific files or directories, provide their exact names or paths, such as: example/file_to_ignore.txt or folder_to_ignore/*

You can also use regular expressions for more complex matching. Remember that these patterns will be applied recursively to all files and directories within the project.


Be cautious when specifying patterns to avoid unintended exclusions.